Food is fun.

Food is fellowship.

Food is feeling.

“Just Playted is about helping clients fulfill their own culinary vision. Whether it’s in the home or in a group setting, I aim to deliver the feeling of things being well taken care of. Dining should be fun, not a hassle. At best, a Just Playted experience offers a way for you to relax into being present with yourself or your guests.”

- Harlem Wright, Lead Epicure



Let’s have a playte date.



I’m a ten-year hospitality industry veteran, gardener, and professional artist. Just Playted is the culmination of my extensive food service experience, culinary business acumen and pure creative instincts. As an artist of many mediums, I pull inspiration from various aspects of my diverse studies to offer experiences that are well-rounded yet approachable.

The whole idea behind Just Playted is bringing an attitude of play to the work. I believe that life is serious enough. I’ve worked in my share of celebrated restaurants in New York City and Los Angeles. While I was inspired by the food, the environments were often too serious for my personal taste. My joy is in providing clients with a friendly restaurant quality experience in the home or in an extension of the home. So, let’s have a playte date.